
Sara and I found out last night that the owner of the condo we’ve been renting is indeed selling it this summer. So by August 1st we will be officially homeless. If you would like to give us a home or cardboard box to live in, that’d be just swanky. But seriously, we don’t know whether we will be finding a new apartment in the area we live in now in Chicago or if we will be moving home in PA to be closer to family. It’s a big decision and it’s a little premature for the timing we had initially laid out to move home. Let us know your thoughts! I will be taking a poll, vote whether you want us to stay in Chicago or move home to PA. Vote by adding a comment to this entry by June 15th. This may or may not influence us in our decision, but it will be fun right?

B-day Hoopla

My birthday was last Thursday and I sure did have a good time. I got to go to my favorite mexican food joint Garcia’s to get burritos bigger than my head. We also went bowling, which is becoming my birthday tradition, on Saturday night. I managed to miss only 10 pins in the entire first game ending with a 154 total. It was a blast! Then on Sunday we went and saw Shrek 2, which was great.

The Sweet Smell of Cow Patties

Sara and I finally got a much needed break from the city and took a week long jount to good ol’ PA. We were in one wedding, attended two weddings though, visited 3 Grandmas, fixed 4 deprived family computers, drove through 5 states, and a whole lot more.
We got to see a bunch of family which was great. We both hung out with friends too. Sara and I both got the pleasure of being in our best friends Amanda and Travis’ wedding which was a blast.
The hardest thing about our week besides running around like crazy to see everyone, was leaving to come back here to Chicago. Even though we love Chicago and it has become our home. I’m quite not sure what they put in that well water back home in PA, but it sure did make both of us miss it so. We really aren’t sure if we are going to find another appartment this summer in Chicago or pack it all in and move back home to PA with our loved ones. I guess we will just keep praying about it. We could use some of yours as well too during these next couple of months.
It sure would be nice to move home again, but it’s all easier said than done i suppose. Maybe it’s just my crazy pipe dream. I’ve never had such terrible home sickness.

As a side note, John and Kristie have been working on the possibility of starting up a ministry. Here is the temporary location of the ministry website John and I are working on together: Skybacher Ministries It’ll be changing pretty rapidly over the next week or so and we hope of getting a domain address set up for it soon as well. Pray for them as well during this exciting but scary process!

Home away from Home

Mom and Aunt Bonnie arrived today flying in from Cleveland. Uncle John and Glenn dropped them off at the airport and me, Jim, and Aidan went to pick them up at O’hare. We spent the day hanging out since it was rainy and cold here. We all had a good time.

Down in the Dumps

If I were an interior designer and I had the assignment of doing up the master bathroom for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, I’d make sure there would be two toilets facing eachother. This way I wouldn’t have to keep doing the “spin puke/poop” move with only one toilet. I seemed to get a pretty nasty stomach virus last tuesday that knocked me out cold and cause me to lose 4 days of work, boo-hoo, I know. The real problem was the anal-leakage burning my nether regions and inner thighs. Then having to miraclulously jump off and spin my body around to let my stomach let go all my liquid insides to spite me. As if just standing up to run to the bathroom wouldn’t cause me to feel nausious enough, I have to perform acrobatics to enhance the puke feeling. Well 6 days later, I finally made it back to work. No, the place didn’t fall down without me. Was there a backlog of work building up while I was away? No. I sit here bored, and emotionally confused as to what the heck I am doing here.

If you have never experienced any of the above and would like to know what it’s all about then by all means go here: