
Sara and I found out last night that the owner of the condo we’ve been renting is indeed selling it this summer. So by August 1st we will be officially homeless. If you would like to give us a home or cardboard box to live in, that’d be just swanky. But seriously, we don’t know whether we will be finding a new apartment in the area we live in now in Chicago or if we will be moving home in PA to be closer to family. It’s a big decision and it’s a little premature for the timing we had initially laid out to move home. Let us know your thoughts! I will be taking a poll, vote whether you want us to stay in Chicago or move home to PA. Vote by adding a comment to this entry by June 15th. This may or may not influence us in our decision, but it will be fun right?

6 thoughts on “Crapolla”

  1. Chicago is still a good place to hang out for awhile, but we’ll support you either way. Just keep in mind that you may get a look like this: Click to see image!

  2. The air is cleaner, the traffic less, the sports teams are better (ok that’s definitely debatable) and we’ve got Amber Brkich the Newest Survivor Millionaire. But if that isn’t enough let me just say these 4 little words Da HOT DOG SHOPPE! Come’ on home kiddos- there’s a graphic artist needed somewhere here.

  3. Didn’t know you’d need a blog comment to know that Trav and I want you in the ‘Burgh, but if this voting dealio is the deciding factor…we’ll tip the scales and make it 2 votes for PA!

  4. Didn’t know you’d need a blog comment to know that Trav and I want you in the ‘Burgh, but if this voting dealio is the deciding factor…we’ll tip the scales and make it 2 votes for PA!

  5. the top 10 reasons why ben and sara should move back to pa.:

    10. a lot more room to fly a kite here than in chicago.
    9. lots and lots of good steinacker beef.
    8. you can pick-up and head for the hunting camp anytime you want. overnight rates: $0.00
    7. land here is dirt cheap.[have i got a deal for you!]
    6. lots more grandmas and grandpas in pa.
    5. campfires at the burgers’ or in our driveway.
    4. a professional massage for ben’s aching back is just moments away.
    3. watching psu football games with homemade corn chowder and potato soup.
    2. it may not be the rockies, but getting up and looking at the big knob each morning ain’t too bad.
    1. little redheaded grandsons should grow up helping their pappy on his farm!

  6. Okay – so I only found out yesterday that this site even exists – and I thought I knew my sister and brother-in-law! Hmmm – do I want you to move back to Pennsylvania? My vote is a definite yes even though it would be bittersweet, because as soon as you move here, I would be moving to Richmond. Even though it would probably make me even more homesick, I want you two to be happy. Also, I’m sure it would make it easier for the whole family to be together because we wouldn’t have to try to coordinate trips from Chicago and Richmond at the same time. And maybe someday, the three Steinacker girls will kick out those people who live on White’s Hill Rd. By the way, Katie claimed the third house, and John really likes the first one, so you guys get the one in the middle. Sound good?

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