Down in the Dumps

If I were an interior designer and I had the assignment of doing up the master bathroom for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, I’d make sure there would be two toilets facing eachother. This way I wouldn’t have to keep doing the “spin puke/poop” move with only one toilet. I seemed to get a pretty nasty stomach virus last tuesday that knocked me out cold and cause me to lose 4 days of work, boo-hoo, I know. The real problem was the anal-leakage burning my nether regions and inner thighs. Then having to miraclulously jump off and spin my body around to let my stomach let go all my liquid insides to spite me. As if just standing up to run to the bathroom wouldn’t cause me to feel nausious enough, I have to perform acrobatics to enhance the puke feeling. Well 6 days later, I finally made it back to work. No, the place didn’t fall down without me. Was there a backlog of work building up while I was away? No. I sit here bored, and emotionally confused as to what the heck I am doing here.

If you have never experienced any of the above and would like to know what it’s all about then by all means go here:

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