Home sweet home

After such a long and tiresome week of moving and cleaning we are finally settled in to our new home on N Seeley St. It took several late night cleaning sessions and plenty of rolls of paper towels but the filth has been lifted and we can sleep in peace and cleanliness. Sara and I love the new place, we are very happy here. The Johnsons have opened up their home to us and we are thankful to them. It’s nice to come home everyday and see the kids (Katy and Drew) as well as the slobbery Wags (the dog) playing in the backyard craving our attention. Here are some of the much anticipated pictures of the inside of our new home. Sara took them so give her props. We are looking forward to our very first visitors from the far east — Becky, Hannah, and Jane. They are privy to seeing the new digs in all its glory. And they might even get to stay here too. The next most privleged person to visit at the end of the month is Tracey. She gets to stay and chill with us for a whole weekend and we are looking forward to it.

On to bigger and better news. Mrs. Sara recieved her promotion from Deloitte to become a “Senior”! That’s big news people. Saramarie you rock!

Thanks for all those that helped us move especially big Jim and my friends Ozzie and Justin. They all hooked up a brother in need. Ok so we are all moved, where’s all the welcome to your new home cookies? Let’s go moms get your spatulas stirring. 🙂 I’m pretty fond of most kinds of cookies.

6 thoughts on “Home sweet home”

  1. Your new place already looks like a home. God bless you there. I”ll see what I can do about the cookies. Love you both ,mom

  2. Got any pictures of me on that fridge?? ;^) Just kidding – looks beautiful! I’ll have to drop in next time I’m in town…

  3. Ben and Sara… God has blessed you once again…ain’t it amazing? Your place looks great and I just know that you two will grow together and add another special place to the memory books. U. John and I are off to Erie on Friday. Jillby and the Zeke are there now and then the crew is coming up the 19th and 20th. We’ll miss you and be remembering all our M&M Adventures! Sunsets and Praise the Lords!!!
    L, A. bonnie

  4. Ben and Sara… God has blessed you once again…ain’t it amazing? Your place looks great and I just know that you two will grow together and add another special place to the memory books.
    L, A. bonnie

  5. Your new place looks great. Plenty of space for you guys, and you even have a deck. Nice pictures Sara! I especially appreciate the picture of your nighties in the closet :). Love and miss you guys. Congrats on the promotion and Xbox. Love, Nick.

  6. The place is soooooo homey! I had such a great time visiting and can’t wait to come back. Besides, I was getting pretty good at dance, dance, revolution ultramix!

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