A New Lease on Seeley?

Well it’s been a few weeks since my last confession. Sara and I signed a 9 month lease last night on an apartment just a few block west of our current residence. It’s the first floor of a owner occupied house. The owners seem very nice and are even going to paint our place whatever we want for free. Well that’s just spiffy in my opinion. They have two young children and are expecting a third, we have yet to see these whipper-snappers though to verify their existence. They also have a dog which we have yet to meet also. It sounds as though it’ll be nice and cosy. The previous 3 tenants have all moved out and immediately bought houses so hopefully we can follow suit. Even though I love our condo to death, I look forward to the change of scenery. It may be a little bit further a walk to the train, but it’s closer to Lincoln Square, the library, and the park. It helps that it’s a bit less expensive each month too, so the Xbox bribe may have weighed just a bit on my half of the decision.

To those in PA who definitely had more votes cast to bring us home: don’t be too agnry or disappointed, we went with our heart for now, and the consistant flow of money sure helped. We originally planned to sit to it in Chicago until ’08. That doesn’t mean that we will, as you can tell by our near miss moving back home just after 2 years. So keep up the faith, we won’t be out here much longer God willing. I personally look forward to moving home and building our family a nice farm house. You’ll have to wait another nine months to see whether we will once again tease you with moving home or stick it out for some more punishment in Chi-town.

p.s. – Go Cubbies!!!