From Parkways to Pastures : Day 3

Day 3:

We went to Northway Christian Community for church in the morning and finally got to see all of the Mohrbacher tribe along with the latest edition, Julia Grace, boy are the kids growing up fast as weeds in that family. Afterwards we went to Borders and Sara blew her $60 gift card real quick. Then we ate lunch at Red Robin, quite the burger joint I must say. And then finally we stopped at Lowes, which seems to be my default place to go shopping with all the things I?ve been doing around the house here.

After all of that we went out to Beaver Falls to visit Becky and Hannah. Hannah is so cute but still a little afraid of me, I guess because I?m so tall, which makes me a little sad. We drove to Brady?s Run park to see there new house, it?s so amazing!!! Their yard is so sweet, with the creek and everything. The house needs a lot of work, but it?s definitely large enough for them, which is what they desperately needed. I?m so excited for them; I’m guessing I?ll be helping out a lot over there this month, who needs to look for a job anyway?

We went home so Sara could cook a big family dinner for us her, parents, and grandparents. She made a mean lasagna which everyone enjoyed. We had a ?welcome home? Dairy Queen ice cream cake for dessert. Then we showed some pictures of the move on the TV and watched some of Mindy and John?s wedding DVD. I played with Sara?s old and busted college laptop and got the wireless DSL working on it so that we can browse the internet up in our bedroom. I?m such a geek.

Dang, no death today, at least there?s hope for tomorrow!

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